Sunday, February 20, 2011

What's your passion? (my experience to inspire)

I am laying here in the bed feeling somewhat content but not yet fully accomplished of the career goals that I plan to execute...thinking wow what was the hold up? Several years ago I was an individual in my late teens attending Lehman College  unsure of what career path I wanted to take,  my major was accounting and honestly all I thought about was the $$$ this wasn't good!  Immediately after one semester I switched my major to  Mass Communications which consist of tv production and broadcast journalism..this was my calling indeed my passion!  Well after interning at local access tv shows, former talk show The Ananda Lewis Show and BET's  Rap City and earning my Bachelors things took a turn... my grandmother that took part in raising me,  passed away from Uterine Cancer.  After the passing of my grandmother I had no choice but to live on my own and not be picky about whatever job I took to pay the bills..and sometime, shoot most of the time we have to bite the bullet to keep a roof over our heads! The one mistake I truly made was losing sight of my passion!  I became too comfortable at the various jobs that I had and became discourage due to years passing by of my chances of possibly getting back into the mass media field.  The error that I made was not having the persistence to be consistent, if I had still pursued my passion at least part time who knows maybe life would be more grand right now..but in the same token it is never too late to pursue your passion! I will admit to everyone after several years of job hopping recently I went back to Grad School for Special/Childhood education which has been my interest for a while because I do love kids and have the passion and patience to instruct them the correct way which is to customize instruction according to their learning I talk a lot don't I? <smile> It is funny how life goes, a few toxic people came into my life, various negative events occurred and BAM just like that my original passion in the field of Mass Media resurrected but this time on my own terms!  Several months ago I start working on my online magazine (Recognition Magazine) which will debut online between late spring and early summer.  One thing you have to know things take time and can't be rushed if your trying to be on point, but at the same time don't get too laid back whereas a project that your doing will never be complete. Bills have to be paid so I always suggest having that job or going to school... that is if school is for you, it's not for everyone..but make sure you pursue and never let go of your passion even if your putting in 5hrs a week out of your hectic schedule.  Recently I had interviewed an upcoming musician Compton Robinson and he said it best "You have to keep at it, it's going to eventually pay off it has to, because you have to be a master at something if you put a thousand hrs into it at least, you have to have a firm understanding of whatever you want to do!"